Step 16
Remove the air valve spool from the air valve body by threading one air
valve bolt into the end of the air valve spool and gently sliding the spool out
of the air valve body. Inspect seals for signs of wear and replace the entire
air valve assembly if necessary. Re-insert the spool immediately into air
valve body after inspection as the seals expand and cannot be reinserted
after a length of time.
NOTE: Seals should not be removed from the assembly. Seals are not sold
Step 15
Remove air valve end cap to expose
air valve spool by lifting up on end
cap. Inspect O-ring on end cap using
an O-ring pick. Replace O-ring(s)
if necessary. NOTE: The Pro-Flo
SHIFT air valve incorporates an end
cap at both ends of the air valve.
A I R V A L V E / C E N T E R S E C T I O N D I S A S S E M B L Y