KPTI011-EN rev
Please visit OPW’s website: www.opwglobal.com for further information
13. After lock latch is released, push or allow lever to move forward.
14. After the latch is released the nozzle can be pulled straight back and out of dish coupler. Nozzle can be returned back to
restore position.
15. Put nozzle back to resting position on LPG dispenser in a clean protected area.
16. Put receptacle dust cover back on the vehicle.
NOTE: There will be a slight venting of gas during disconnection. This is normal and should only be small and brief.
If the vent is long and continuous, the main check valve in the nozzle is not working properly. The nozzle needs to be returned to a certi-
fied repair center for maintenance immediately.
These self service nozzles must be kept in a clean and protected area. The nozzle must not be exposed to debris, dirt, water or chemicals.
Service life is dependent on handling and care of nozzles.
Unusual operation must be reported to the service represenative immediately.
Routine maintenance:
1. Inspect the jaws and clean any dirt, grease or oil from the front gasket and jaws using a lint free cloth. Do not use any sol-
vents as this may degrade the seals performance integrity and create a risk for personal injury with subsequent use.
2. The entire nozzle should be cleaned and moving parts lubricated periodically by fueling attendant or service personnel.
This should occur on average once per six (6) months or more frequently if the nozzle is constantly in use or is used under
extremely dirty conditions. Grease moving parts with grease compatible with LPG.
3. The lever mechanism, latch, jaws and swivel should all move freely. These should be checked for proper operation daily. If
any parts are not operating properly, contact a service representative immediately.
4. The front gasket should be replaced by stage of wear.
After two (2) years of service:
The unit should be returned to a qualified repair center for a replacement of all seals and worn parts. This period should be reduced to
twelve (12) months or less, if there is a risk that the nozzle has been misused, abused or if the nozzle is used in extreme environmental
Special tools and care are required to clean and repair/rebuild elements of the nozzle. Due to safety and performance reasons, only quali-
fied technicians can service the nozzles.
Only OPW original spare parts, seals and sub-assemblies are allowed to be used during the service of any OPW LPG product.