IMPortant: KEEP tHIs BooKlEt In tHE PocKEt
ProVIDED at tHE rEar oF tHE cHIlD rEstraInt
REF # 012210 A
AS/NZS 1754 Lic 1491
SAI Global
IGc DorEl Pty ltD Warrants your nEW ProDuct to BE FrEE
FroM DEFEcts In MatErIals anD WorKMansHIP For 6 yEars on
tHE sEat & 2 yEars on tHE trIM, FroM tHE DatE oF PurcHasE,
ProVIDED tHat tHE ProDuct Is usED In accorDancE WItH
accoMPanyInG rEcoMMEnDatIons or InstructIons WHErE
ProVIDED. tHE BEnEFIt oF tHIs Warranty Is In aDDItIon to
your rIGHts unDEr tHE australIan consuMEr laW anD to
otHEr rIGHts anD rE MEDIEs oF tHE consuMEr unDEr a laW In
rElatIon to tHE GooDs or sErVIcEs to WHIcH tHE Warranty
IGc DorEl Pty ltD WIll ProVIDE you WItH your cHoIcE oF a
rEFunD, rEPaIr or ExcHanGE (WHErE PossIBlE) For tHIs ProDuct
IF It BEcoMEs DEFEctIVE WItHIn tHE Warranty PErIoD. IGc
DorEl Pty ltD WIll BEar tHE rEasonaBlE ExPEnsE oF claIMInG
tHE Warranty. tHIs Warranty WIll no lonGEr aPPly WHErE tHE
DEFEct Is a rEsult oF altEratIon, accIDEnt, MIsusE, aBusE or nEGlEct.
PlEasE rEtaIn your rEcEIPt as ProoF oF PurcHasE anD
contact our custoMEr sErVIcE cEntrE on PH: 1300 809 526 or
altErnatIVEly, VIa our WEBsItE at For
any DIFFIcultIEs WItH your ProDuct. Warranty claIMs anD
claIMs For ExPEnsE IncurrED In rEturnInG tHIs ProDuct can
BE aDDrEssED to our custoMEr sErVIcE cEntrE at 655-685
soMErVIllE roaD, WEst sunsHInE VIc 3020.
For nEW ZEalanD PlEasE contact custoMEr sErVIcE cEntrE,
14 sIr WIllIaM aVEnuE, East taMaKI, aucKlanD, 2013. aucKlanD:
(09) 274 1040 nZ WIDE: 0800 628 000 (toll FrEE). Hours: 8:00 aM -
4:00 PM, MonDay to FrIDay.
our GooDs coME WItH GuarantEEs tHat cannot BE
ExcluDED unDEr tHE australIan consuMEr laW.
you arE EntItlED to a rEPlacEMEnt or rEFunD For a
MaJor FaIlurE anD coMPEnsatIon For any otHEr
rEasonaBly ForEsEEaBlE loss or DaMaGE. you arE
also EntItlED to HaVE tHE GooDs rEPaIrED or
rEPlacED IF tHE GooDs FaIl to BE oF accEPtaBlE
QualIty anD tHE FaIlurE DoEs not aMount to a
MaJor FaIlurE.