Visually inspect the wearable parts regularly (drive belts, o-rings, shaft
seals, dispensing head o-rings, door bearings). Seals, o-rings, and/or
belts that are torn, cracking, hardened, or unevenly worn need to be re-
Do not run the machine with water in Auto Mode. The water will freeze
into ice, expand, and severely damage the beaters, freezing cylinder,
bearings, belts, and drive motors which can lead to irreparable damage.
Lubricate all seals and o-rings with a food grade lubricant. Do not pour
water, product, or any fluid into the hopper while the beaters are re-
moved from the freezing cylinder. Doing this will cause the fluid to be dis-
charged from the discharge tube located under the machine.
Do not add any candies, jellies, or other particles into the hopper. Parti-
cles may clog the passageway leading into the freezing cylinder causing
damage to the unit.
Do not operate the machine with any of the side panels removed from
the unit. Loose garments and long hair can get caught in the moving
parts resulting in serious injury