3.1.3 Square
If the fabric on the awning is out of square, it could cause
the fabric to telescope in one direction when rolling up, or
to not hang properly in the open position. To check fabric
for square, measure from the top right hand corner of the
fabric (not the weatherguard) to the bottom left hand cor-
ner at the poly rope. Now measure from the top left hand
corner to the bottom right hand corner as shown below.
In this check, the difference of the two dimensions should
be no more than one inch. If it is more, the fabric is out of
square, and replacement would be necessary.
3.1.4 Seams
The seams of the vinyl awning are electronically weld-
ed together with a heat seal. The welded seams are the
strongest part of the fabric. If the fabric has wrinkles or
sags, it may be due to improper seam welding. A close
inspection may reveal the seams to be the source of the
problem. If so, fabric replacement would be needed.
Whenever wrinkles are detected in the fabric, stretching
of the weatherguard should be performed before the fab-
ric is condemned for bad seams. See 2.1.2 for stretching
3.1.5 Stitches
The side hems and poly ropes of the awning are stitched
in with a sewing machine. At times the stitches can allow
water to leak through to the inside of the roller tube. On
vinyl awnings the stitches should be sealed with seam
sealer, available at sporting goods stores. This will stop
the water from running down the inside of the roller tube.
For the woven acrylic fabric of the 9000, 9500 Series aw-
ning, scotch guard is an approved sealant. When sew-
ing in the poly ropes of the fabric, if a straight line is not
followed, it could cause the fabric to hang improperly. A
close inspection of the stitching could reveal the cause of
a sag or pucker.
3.1.6 fabric/Roller/Torsion Change
In all instances of fabric or roller tube replacement, it will
be necessary to have a large work area to allow complete
unrolling of the awning. This work area must be clean and
smooth so the fabric will not be damaged. Remove the
awning from the coach and carefully lay on the ground.
To keep the awnings from unwinding during this step, be
sure the cam lock lever is in the roll down position. The
spring tension should be pinned on both torsions for ease
and safety for removal of awning.
Sunchaser 8300 Torsion Pinning.
To keep the awning from unwinding be sure the lock lever
is in the roll down position and a nail inserted in each tor-
sion assembly for positive locking of the roller tube. The
left end should be done first. Insert a nail into hole on the
left end cap. Grasp roller assembly and release Safe-T-
Lock™ lever. Allow awning to roll up slowly until it stops
against the pin. Insert the pin into the right end cap to hold
it in place. Complete instructions Form 3105903.XXX
Severe injuries can result from the rapid
spin off of the top casting. Use Vise Grips®
- NEVER use bare hands - to handle a top
casting under spring tension.