Shifting Procedure
Shifting between 2WD and 4WD AUTO or 4WD LOCK can be made with the vehicle
stopped or in motion at speeds up to 55 mph (88 km/h).
Shifting between 2WD, 4WD AUTO and 4WD LOCK into 4WD LOW must be made
with the transmission in NEUTRAL and the vehicle stopped or rolling at 2 to 3 mph
(3 to 5 km/h).
It is preferred to have the engine running and the vehicle moving at 2 to 3 mph (3 to
5 km/h).
You or others could be injured if you leave the vehicle unattended with the transfer
case in the NEUTRAL position without first fully engaging the parking brake. The
transfer case NEUTRAL position disengages both the front and rear driveshafts
from the powertrain and will allow the vehicle to move regardless of the transmis-
sion position. The parking brake should always be applied when the driver is not
in the vehicle.
O F F - R O A D C A P A B I L I T I E S