You can set the keypad address from 00 to 16. The factory default
address is set at 01. To change the current address, press any
SELECT key and then enter the new address using the appropriate
number keys on the keyboard. It's not necessary to enter a leading
zero for addresses 01 to 09.
Select Supervised or Unsupervised KEYPAD MODE:
You can configure the keypads for either supervised or
unsupervised operation. Supervised keypads cannot share
addresses with other keypads. Unsupervised keypads
can operate
with other unsupervised keypads sharing the same address.
Zones cannot be used on unsupervised keypads. To change the
current setting, press the SELECT key under SUP or UNSUP. An
asterisk appears next to the selected option.
You can enter a custom message of up to 16 characters that
appears on the top line of the keypad display whenever that line
is not being used for any other purpose. Press any SELECT key
to clear the current display and use the data entry keys to enter a
new custom display. See your Command Processor™
programming guide for instructions on entering alpha characters.
You can use this option to configure the top row of SELECT keys
as 2-button Panic keys. To enable or disable a Panic, press the
SELECT key under the appropriate display: PN (Panic), EM
(Emergency), and FI (Fire). Once the panic is enabled, an asterisk
appears next to the description. Refer to the 2-Button Panic
Keys section on the front of this document.
Select YES to enable the Soft-Shunt™ feature on zone two.
Select YES to enable the Request to Exit feature on zone three.
Select YES to enable the 4-Digit Entry Cards function on Home/
Away, or other systems that require 4-digit user codes.
Select the number of seconds the keypad should wait when an
area system displays ALL? NO YES during arming or disarming.
If the NO or YES is not pressed before the delay expires, the
keypad will automatically select the YES key. Select zero (0) to
disable this feature. The delay can be one to nine (1-9) seconds.
Keypad Diagnostics (KPD DIAG)
This option allows you to:
• check the display segments
• check the keyboard backlighting
• test individual keys
Press the SELECT key under KPD DIAG. T
he keypad lights
all segments of the display and illuminates the keyboard in Green.
A few seconds later the keypad turns off the display and illuminates
the keyboard in Red. The keypad then alternates between these
two states for approximately two minutes.
Press COMMAND at any time to continue. The display changes
to PRESS KEY TO TEST. This option allows you to test each key
on the keyboard to ensure it's operating properly. Press and hold
each key for about two seconds. The number of the key being held
appears in the display. Verify it's the correct number before
testing the next key.
Zone test
This option allows the keypads to display the current electrical
status of the their four protection zones. The status is shown as
either OPEN, SHRT, or OKAY.
This option tests the reader input from access cards. The display
shows OKAY each time a good card is read.
Exiting the Installer Options
When done, press the COMMAND key once to return to the
Installer Options screen. Press the SELECT key under STOP to
exit the Installer Options function.
Programming Cards into the System
From the User Menu, select USER CODES?. Choose ADD. At
the ENTER CODE: - display, present the user's card to the reader.
The keypad works by reading the 4 or 5 digit user code from the
data sent by the access control reader. For more information,
refer to keypad user's guide section on adding, deleting, and
changing user codes.
Additional Power Supply
If current draw for all keypads exceeds the panel's output, you can
provide additional current by adding an auxiliary power supply.
Connect all keypad common wires to the negative terminal of the
power supply. Run a jumper wire from the power supply's negative
terminal to the common terminal of the panel. Connect all keypad
power (+12 VDC) wires to the positive terminal of the power
supply. Do NOT connect the positive terminal of the power supply
to any terminal of the panel.
Door Strike Relay Specifications
The Easy Entry keypads provide one internal Form C (SPDT)
relay for controlling door strikes or magnetic locks. Three wires on
the 5-wire harness, Violet (N/C), Gray (Com), and Orange (N/O),
allow you to connect devices to the relay.
The Form C relay draws up to 35mA of current and its contacts are
rated for 1 Amp at 24 VDC or 0.5 Amps at 120 VAC.
2841 E. Industrial Drive Springfield, MO 65802-6310 800-641-4282
Easy Entry Keypad Installation