SuperSigma2 AM PMS
V1.5.6 17-1-2020
Page 38 (97)
©2019 DMC GmbH Herten Germany
Brake torque reduction time “BTrqRtm”
This parameter is active only in torque mode.
This sets the time taken to ramp down from full braking torque to zero torque when brake operation (direction, footbrake,
neutral) is ended and a drive condition is detected. Increasing the value gives a smoother but longer transition from
braking to driving.
Power steer delay “PStrDly”
This sets the period that the
Pin 17 Contactor 3 o/p (Powersteer - Fan control)
on 35-Way Connector, will remain active
after the trigger source has been removed. The trigger source is set by the parameter
in the Controller Set-up menu.
Electric brake delay “EBrkDly”
This setting is normally associated with a Walkie type vehicle fitted with an electromechanical brake connected to the
Pin 16 Contactor 2 o/p (Magnet Brake - Fan control)
of the 35-Way Connector. The value sets the delay between the
entering of “end of braking mode”
(speed lower than “
M1-15T Speed threshold to enter end of braking mode
) and the electric brake being applied. If the vehicl
e is detected at standstill (speed lower than “
Speed Threshold to enter hill hold or neutral brake end ”ZSpdTh””) before “
Electric brake delay “EBrkDly””
elapsed, the EM brake is applied and therefore this has no effect.
Resuming: the EM brake is applied if
51T Electric brake delay “EBrkDly””
is elapsed from the instant of entering in
end of braking OR if zero speed is detected.
There is also a fixed period of 0.1s that sets the delay from when pulsing starts to the electric brake being released. This
helps to prevent roll back of a Walkie truck when starting driving on a gradient.
Accelerator pot minimum “AccMin”
This sets the voltage on the Accelerator input that will correspond to zero speed or zero torque demand.
he type of Accelerator input (normal or wig wag) can be configured via the parameter “
Accelerator pot maximum “AccMax”
This sets the voltage on the Accelerator input that will correspond to maximum speed or maximum torque demand.
The type of Accelerator input (normal or wig wag) can be configured via the parameter
When the accelerator is properly set, it reaches 100% when full pressed and sets the motor speed or torque demand
to parameter “
In “Speed Mode”
when accelerator reaches 100%, the motor speed demand correspond to 100% of actual speed limiting.
If, for example,
M1-22T Cutback speed 1 (I/O 5-
is active and set to 120Hz, then the speed
demand corresponding to 100% of accelerator is 120Hz. Else if, for example, the motor is running reverse and
Maximum speed reverse “SpdMaxR””
is set to 60Hz, the speed demand corresponding to 100% of accelerator is 60Hz.
In “Torque mode”
the accelerator is scaled on the maximum current set in the autotuning menu. So when accelerator
pedal is fully pressed (100%) the torque corresponding to maximum current is demanded to the motor. In case of
“Advanced mode” activated
, the 100% of accelerator corresponds to the torque limits for Drive style 1 and Drive Style2
(see “Advanced Mode” “
Brake pot minimum “BrkMin”
This sets the voltage on the Footbrake input that will correspond to begin footbrake operation. Notice that as soon
footbrake is pressed and footbrake input
voltage greater than “BrkMin”, a foot brake operation is started.
If the controller is in torque mode, the brake torque applied will depend on Footbrake value;
If the controller is in speed mode, the footbrake deceleration ramp will depend on Footbrake value.
Brake pot maximum “BrkMax”
In “Torque mode”
, this sets the voltage on the Footbrake input that will correspond to the braking torque as set by the
parameter “
The brake torque
is changed proportionally to “Brake Pot Value” (see brake pot value in test menu “
M11-11 "BrakePot"
” and
M11-12 "BrakePot" [V]
”) from “
Neutral Brake torque “NBrake””
when “Brake Pot” =
0%) to “
Foot brake torque “FBrake”” (when “Brake Pot” =
In “Speed Mode”
, this sets the voltage on the Footbrake input that will correspond to the braking ramp for speed as set
by the parameter
Foot brake ramp time “FbrkRamp””
The ramp time for braking
is changed proportionally to “Brake Pot Value”
(see brake pot value in test menu M11-11
"BrakePot" [%], M11-12 "BrakePot" [V]) from
Neutral brake ramp time “NBrkRamp””(when “Brake Pot” =0%) to
Foot brake ramp time “FbrkRamp””
(when “Brake Pot” =100%).