Rev 1.7 (April 2018) 4
DLP Design, Inc.
Demonstration source code written in the C programming language is available for free download
upon purchase of the DLP-RFS1280 or DLP-RFS1280ACT demonstration platform. The code was
developed using MBED and Keil uVision for the STMicrocontroller Nucleo microcontroller
development module.
Source code for the demonstration software has been developed for the STM32L073RZ-based
Nucleo board. Compiling the L073 source code may require the user to purchase the Keil compiler.
Additional information on the operation of the Semtech SX1280 transceiver IC is available in the
datasheet for the SX1280.
This section describes how to operate the DLP-RFS1280ACT demonstration hardware (purchased
separately). The DLP-RFS1280ACT includes a DLP-RFS1280 transceiver module that allows the
user to easily verify normal operation of the transceiver and assists in helping them become familiar
with the operational firmware.