If the grinder is not located on floor level
make no attempt to disassemble the grinder
unit without an adequate platform or
provisions provided by the installation
contractor, plant engineer, or plant safety
officer. The grinder has many parts that
have square edges and cutting edges.
Adequate safety equipment should be used at
all times!
After the grinder has been installed in its
permanent position, it can be disassembled.
The tools described below are for both
disassembly and assembly of the grinder
Ring Wrench
The Ring Wrench fits over the lugs of ring
and is used to loosen the ring (counter
clockwise), or tighten the ring (clockwise)
The end of the ring wrench fits into the end
of the feedscrew and it can be used to engage
the feedscrew to the drive spline.
Plate Lifter
This is used to
remove the plate
and bushing from
the grinder unit, or
on assembly to
install the plate and
bushing into the
grinder unit.
Wear appropriate safety equipment and
remember to always "Work Safely".
When the grinder unit has been properly
secured, disassembly can begin.
Step 1. Using the ring wrench, loosen the
ring by exerting downward pressure, as
shown, turning the ring counter clockwise.
Use the ring wrench only to loosen the ring,
when the ring can be turned by hand,
discontinue using the ring wrench.
Step 2. When the ring has been loosened
turn it off by hand. Depending on the ring
type, the ring may weigh up to 65 lbs. If this
is more than you can lift, get help. Use the
ring remover if your machine has been
equipped with one. Do not attempt to
remove the ring if you are out of position, or
if the ring is higher than the center of your
chest, or if you cannot lift this much on your
own! Do not bang the ring threads against
the centering pin!