Examine the flights in the head section. Notice how the corners are rounded. The flighting
should be replaced when it is worn down to 3/8" thick. Also notice the crack at the root of the
shaft. There is so much wear of the weld that holds the flighting to the shaft that it is prone to
cracking. A feedscrew with this amount of wear requires all new flighting. When we replace the
flighting we machine the old flighting off, right down to the shaft. The flighting is replaced with
new 1045 bar.
Examine the drive spline. The main shaft
does not engage 100% of the drive spline,
therefore the amount of wear of the drive
spline can be determined by examining the
base of the spline. Also note the wear on the
adjustment bolt.
Examine the cupping. The cupping should
have a sharp edge, so that it can aggressively
capture the product being ground. When the
cupping becomes dull the product is prone to
rolling in the hopper.