XWEB 3000 – rel.1.3–
For a more complete list please read Appendix D. PARTICULAR DEVICE SETUP
All controllers equipped with 2 serial address (XC400/600/800/900, XH200/300/400 etc.) must be
used with both address equal.
iCHILLs need to activate a particular value in the “Advanced” section. User must check “Force
Device On status”. Remember to stop-start acquisition after this operation.
To use non Dixell, but modBus compatible controllers (such as Energy Analyzer by Carlo
Gavazzi) follow this rules:
a) Go to “Devices” and choose a controller.
b) Push “Add”. A new controller on the same address will be added.
c) Modify the serial address to match the one of the new controller. Push “Confirm”.
d) Go to “Advanced” and with “Model” menu select the correct model. To complete the previous
example, to insert Energy Analyzer “WM22-DIN-AV5” choose “ENERG.ANAL”.
e) Check “ Force Device On status” and all the other categories needed such as “Device Type”
and “Sampling”. Push “Update”.
On the back side, the XWEB 3000 is provided with the sockets for a monitor, a mouse and a
keyboard. Please connect all the peripherals before powering-on the unit otherwise the system may
fails to recognise them. This means that , for example, if you do not plug the monitor cable now, you
won’t see anything displayed on it.
The unit can also work without these three elements therefore if the user intend to work just with the
remote, he can definitively remove them after the setup operations.
In any case inside XWEB 3000 is loaded a standard browser to allow the user setting up the unit.
If necessary check the instructions manual of each device connected to the unit.
The operative procedure to work with XWEB 3000 is the same for all connection method. LOCAL CONNECTION THROUGH PERSONAL COMPUTER
It is allowed the local connection with a single PC, provided with LAN card, by using the net connector
RJ 45 (LAN). Due to the PC-client power, this kind of connection is more suitable for the setup
procedures. Remember that the PC must be provided with internal or external LAN card adapter.
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the cable between the Server and the PC must be with crossing wires (“Bridge