...the
art
of
distell
‐
ing...
Fatmeter
User
Manual
Page
Preparing
laboratory
samples
It
is
important
that
all
of
the
300g
sample
is
packaged
and
sent
to
the
laboratory
for
the
analysis.
Consult
the
laboratory
analysis
procedure
on
the
relevant
calibration
chart
for
details.
The
sample
should
be
stored
in
a
sealed
polythene
bag
immediately
after
measurement.
This
will
ensure
that
the
product
sample
does
not
lose
any
moisture
before
analysis.
Laboratory
checklist
•
All
of
the
300g
sample
should
be
received
at
the
laboratory,
properly
packed
and
sealed.
•
The
whole
sample
should
be
blended
in
order
to
create
a
homogeneous
mix,
ensuring
that
any
fluids
are
included
in
the
blend.
•
The
laboratory
personnel
must
take
three
samples
of
product
from
different
parts
of
the
blend
for
the
chemical
analysis.
This
will
confirm
the
homogeneity
obtained
by
the
blending
process.
•
The
average
of
the
laboratory
triplicate
analysis
should
be
compared
with
the
triplicate
readings
taken
using
the
Fatmeter.
•
The
results
should
be
compared
with
consideration
to
the
accuracy
claims
presented
at
the
beginning
of
this
user
manual.
If
the
results
do
not
compare
favourably
Check
the
Fatmeter
use,
as
follows:
•
Has
the
correct
calibration
been
used
on
the
Fatmeter?
•
Has
the
Fatmeter
been
checked
on
the
check
pad?
•
Is
the
operator
proficient
in
the
use
of
the
Fatmeter?
•
Is
the
product
sample
truly
within
the
specification
of
the
Fatmeter
calibration
being
used?
•
Check
the
product
for
uniformity,
grind
size,
and
preparation.
Check
the
laboratory
procedure
as
follows:
•
Analytical
method
being
used
•
Sample
preparation
is
•
Three
samples
from
different
parts
of
the
300g
blend
have
been
analysed
This
is
just
a
short
check
list
on
how
to
use
and
compare
the
Fatmeter
with
other
methods.
Remember
that
the
primary
purpose
of
using
the
Meat
Fatmeter
is
to
screen
a
lot
of
product
for
uniformity
and
specification.
During
the
production
process,
finite
accuracy
is
not
the
objective.
The
objective
is
to
try
to
ensure
that
the
bulk
of
the
day's
production
is
within
specifications
time
after
time.
If,
after
these
checks,
there
is
still
a
significant
difference
please
contact
Distell
for
advice
and
help.