Q: What is APK?
A: APK stands for Android Application Package.
Q: What can I do if the unit does not respond?
A: Press the Reset button using a small pin (in the hole between the
headphone jack and USB port) to restart the tablet.
Q: How can I access General Help?
A: Tap on the “?” icon on the “About Me” screen for help (see page 20).
Q: Can the unit be operated while installing an application?
A: We recommend not operating the unit while installing/uninstalling an
application or opening an application. If you do, a system error will
occur. (This is a common issue with the Android system and not a
problem caused by the system.)
Q: How can I recover my password?
A: If you forget your password, use the supervisor password “8888” to
login and click on “About Me” section (see page 20) to view or reset
your current password.