Timers are sequences of sounds that can be played
automatically. After each time a sound will be played there
will be pause for a specified time and then the next sound
will play. This is often used for commercial messages,
security announcements, etc.
They can be compared with “playlists”, with the difference
that the time between each sound is adjustable.
All the timer settings will begin from the “Timer” menu. To
get here go to the main menu (push “E”) and then choose
“Timers” (2).
6.1 New timer
To create a new timer, choose “New timer” (1).
Now you can enter a name for your new timer by using the
navigation keys (up and down to choose another letter, left
and right to go to the next or previous letter of the name).
After typing the name, push Enter (“E”).
Now you will get a list of all the files on the internal memory.
Choose the first sound that has to be played and push
enter (“E”). Now you can choose the time to wait after
playing this sound. Use the buttons 0 --> 9 to enter a time
in seconds (always push 3 numbers, for example to wait
12 seconds push 0 1 2). You can also use the up and down
navigation keys to adjust the time.
After choose the correct time to wait, push “E”.
Now you can choose if you want to add another sample to
your timer. If you choose “Yes”, you can choose the next
sound and time to wait. You can repeat this as many times
as you want.
If you choose “No” the timer will be saved and you will go
back to the “Timers” menu.
6.2 Delete timer
To delete a timer, choose the “Delete Timer” (2) option.
Then choose the timer that you want to delete, push “E”,
and comfirm your action with “Yes” or “No”.