Directed Digital Solutions HYUNDAI4
© 2017-10-12 Directed. All rights reserved.
Connecting the module
Before connecting the Directed Digital Solutions, it is important to ensure that the proper feature and function programming is
selected using the configuration wizard. Visit www.directechs.com to use the latest version of the online tool.
Flashing a module using your computer:
the main module from any (+) 12V power source, then
it to your computer using the
2. Go to
using Internet Explorer; the configuration wizard will be displayed automatically.
3. Follow the instructions in the pop up window that will be displayed when the module is detected.
Flashing a module using your smartphone or tablet:
the main module from any (+) 12V power source, then
it to the
2. Launch the
Directechs Mobile
app on your smartphone or tablet.
3. Select
and follow the on-screen instructions.
When the flashing operation is successful, you can proceed with the instructions below.
Manual or automatic transmission selection
The yellow loop on the Directed Digital Solutions controls which transmission type the unit is configured for. The state of the loop
(uncut or cut) when the main module is powered up will determine which type is selected.
• Uncut (default): Manual transmission.
• Cut: Automatic transmission.
For safety reasons, all Directed Digital Solutions are shipped ready to use with a manual transmission (the yellow loop is
untouched). If the loop is cut after power has been applied, it is necessary to cycle power to the main module (via the white 12-
pin main power harness) so the unit will see the state change on the loop and appropriately configure the transmission type.
Ready mode
To successfully remote start a vehicle equipped with a manual transmission, the Ready Mode feature must be enabled before
exiting the vehicle. Please refer to the Owner’s Guide for more details on this required process.
Additional connections required for vehicles equipped with a manual transmission (if not supported by firmware)
(-) E-Brake Status Input
(Black/White, pin 2)
Must be connected to a working emergency brake in the vehicle. Although most vehicles have simple
(-) trigger emergency brake circuits note some vehicles do not and may require unique integration
(-) Door Trigger Input
(White/Green, pin 10)
OR (+) Door Input (Yellow/
Green, pin 11)
Must be connected to a working door trigger in the vehicle, which monitors all doors. The unit must monitor
the door pins to allow the Ready Mode process to be enabled.
: Some vehicles may require unique integration methodologies for this circuit.
(AC) Tachometer Input
(Violet/White, pin 6)
Must be connected to a working tachometer signal in the vehicle (fuel injector, ignition coil, true tach, etc.)
and learned successfully to the Directed Digital Solutions.
: Refer to www.directechs.com for more information.