Directed Electronics, Inc.
H1/11 RED (+)12V constant power input
Before connecting this wire, remove the supplied fuse. Connect to the battery positive terminal or
the constant 12V supply to the ignition switch.
NOTE: Always use a fuse within 12 inches of the point you obtain (+)12V. Do not use the 15 fuse
in the harness for this purpose. This fuse protects the module itself.
H1/12 RED/WHITE 200 mA (-) channel 2 output
When the system receives the code controlling channel 2 for longer than 1.5 seconds, the
RED/WHITE will supply an output as long as the transmission continues. This is often used to
operate a trunk/hatch release or other relay/driven function.
Door Lock Harness (H2), 3-PIN Connector
For detailed instructions about connecting to the vehicle’s power door lock systems, refer to the
Door Lock Wiring guide (Document No. 1041) available to authorized dealers only from the
technical resources listed at the front of this guide.
IMPORTANT! The door lock outputs are low current and should not be attached
directly to any high current device; they are only to be used to activate relays.
(-) Unlock, (+) Lock Output
Unless Using 451M
(-) Lock, (+) Unlock Output
IMPORTANT! Never use this wire to drive anything but a relay or a low-current input!
The transistorized output can only supply 200 mA of current. Connecting directly to a
solenoid, motor, or other high-current device will cause it to fail.