Directed Electronics, Inc.
is pressed. This output can be programmed to provide the following types of output (see
Features Learn Routine section of this guide):
A vvaalliiddiittyy output will send a signal as long as the transmission is received.
A llaattcchheedd output will send a signal continuously when the Channel 3 button(s) is pressed and
released. The signal will continue until channel three is pressed again.
A llaattcchheedd//rreesseett w
wiitthh iiggnniittiioonn output works similar to the latched output, but will also reset
(output will stop) when the ignition is turned on and then off.
A 3300 sseeccoonndd ttiim
meedd output will send a signal for 30 seconds when channel three is pressed. This
output can be shut off during the 30-second period by pressing Channel 3 again.
This output can also be programmed to provide a sseeccoonndd uunnlloocckk ppuullssee when the unlock button
is pressed a second time after disarming the system. This can be used to unlock the passenger
doors when installing progressive door locks.
H1/4 BLACK/WHITE (-) 200 mA domelight supervision output
Connect the H1/4 wire to the optional domelight supervision relay as shown in the following
IMPORTANT! This output is only intended to drive a relay. It cannot be connected
directly to the domelight circuit, as the output cannot support the current draw of one
or more bulbs.
IMPORTANT! Never use this wire to drive anything but a relay or a low-current input!
This transistorized output can only supply 200 mA, and connecting directly to a
solenoid, motor, or other high-current device will cause the module to fail.