Rev 1.3 22.07.09
Dingo Reference Manual
2.0 CHRG Menu
The CHRG screen gives the real-time total
charging current (Amps). This total is the sum
of solar charge current (CINT) and any external
charge current. This may be current from an
external switchblock or MPPT device connected
to the bus or an external current measured using
a current shunt and a DSA.
From the charge screen, a long push displays
CINT (Charge Internal). This is the real-time
solar charge current flowing into the SOL+
terminal. (measured in amps.)
External Charge
From the CINT screen, a short push displays
the current reading from any external device
attached which can measure current. If the
device is a maximum power point tracker
(MPPT) then this device is shown as MPTx,
where x is the device number. Similarly, for
switchblocks the display is SWHx and for shunt
adaptors, SHNx. The device number can be
from 1 to 4 for shunt adaptors and from 1 to
12 for MPPT or Switchblocks. To fit the display,
numbers greater than 10 are given letters. So 10
is A, 11 is b and 12 is C.
This list also allows the user to check that the
Dingo has found or ‘discovered’ all the external
devices attached to the bus. This discovery
process is automatic. If a device is not on the
list and should be, then refer to section 8.4 for
troubleshooting advice.
Generator Control
The Dingo has a comprehensive generator
controller built in. It works in a similar way to the
Low Battery Disconnect function. It is designed
to give a run or stop signal to an electronic
start generator. It does not handle the actual
generator start-up sequence - this should be
done by the generator itself.
CINT External
oggle function status on / off
GMOD Set gener ator control mode
G ON G ON G ON S et Voltage / SOC% to start generator
GOFF S et SOC% to stop gener ator
GOFF GOFF Set Voltage to stop generator
GDEL GDEL S et dela y bef ore on/off change
SOC% SOC% State Of Charge (SOC)
Long push to adjust
GEXD G E X D G E X D Set da ys betw een gener ator e x ercises
GR UN GR UN GR UN GR UN Set length of gener ator e x ercise
GD A Y GD A Y GD A Y View/change number of days since last exercise
(or r un time if gener ator r unning)
0 or 4
1 or 5
2 or 6
Fig. 2A - Generator Control Menus (PROG=4 only)