Input Control
The setting of this control determines the temperature of the room at the end of the charge period, as measured by the heater’s built-in
room temperature sensor.
With the Output Control Knob set to minimum (fully anticlockwise) for domestic use, or maximum (fully clockwise) for commercial
applications, the Input Control Knob should initially be set at the mid point position. During the day following the fi rst charge period the
comfort level provided by the heater should be noted. If it is felt that the level of heating is either too high or too low, then the input control
knob should be adjusted up or down as appropriate before the next charge period. This process should be repeated each day until the
most acceptable conditions are attained. The Input Control knob should then be left at this setting, and the heater will automatically vary
the charge taken in during subsequent charge periods to make the most effective use of off-peak electricity to provide the selected level
of comfort at the end of each charge period.
In the Autumn and Spring a lower setting of the input control knob should be suffi cient, the actual setting required being infl uenced by
the prevailing weather conditions, the room size and insulation levels. The most suitable settings will be found by experience.
NOTE - The input charge may be affected by other sources of heat, such as the convector. Please refer to the section ‘24 Hour
Convector Operation’ overleaf.
Output Control
Depending upon the amount of charge accepted by the heater, the OUTPUT control allows the release of additional heat by means of a
damper which can be opened to allow a greater air fl ow through the heater core, and therefore additional circulation of heat. By altering
the setting of the Output control knob the damper may be opened and closed manually, or it may be made to open automatically.
Automatic Operation
The damper may be pre-set to open automatically each day if required. Setting the OUTPUT control at settings other than minimum
results in an automatic boost of heat. A high setting on the output control knob causes the damper to open early afternoon/evening,
conversely a lower setting causes it to open later.
Because the automatic opening of the damper is primarily dependent on core temperature then the amount of charge the heater has
taken has a bearing on the time at which the damper opens. For a given setting of the OUTPUT control, the colder the weather (and
consequentially, the greater the charge taken automatically by the heater) the later the damper will open.
Conversely, for a lower charge input (in milder weather) the earlier the damper will open for a given room temperature boost setting.
The most suitable settings of the Output control for different conditions will be found by experience.
Remember - a high setting of the OUTPUT control early in the day may leave too little heat stored in the heater for the evening, especially
during the less cold weather conditions.
In addition to the storage heater section the CXLSN incorporates a convector
heater element in the front of the heater which may be used independently
of the storage heater, for example to “top up” on very cold days, or for use
in late spring and early autumn when only infrequent cold spells do not
justify continuous use of storage heater. Cool air is drawn in at the base
of the heater, heated by the convector element, and subsequently emitted
from the grille at the top front of the heater.
The convector heater section is intended for use when the output of the
storage heater is not suffi cient to maintain the desired comfort level. For
the most economical operation of the CXLSN, the heating system should
normally be designed so that the storage heater section provides the bulk
of the heating requirements, and the convector heater section provides only
top up heat, for example, later in the day in cold weather.
Manual Operation
With the OUTPUT control on minimum the damper remains closed, and heat is released from the heater only by normal radiation and
convection around the outer surfaces of the heater. This alone may provide suffi cient heat on many occasions and therefore no alteration
of the OUTPUT control is necessary. However, if a boost of heat is required in the evening period, then moving the OUTPUT control
to maximum in the evening will immediately open the damper to allow more rapid release of any available stored heat. When the next
charging period commences the damper will automatically close to prevent this release of extra heat during the charge period, but the
OUTPUT control must be returned to minimum manually to obtain a similar operation the following day.
Convector Heater - Principle of operation