CXLSN Storage heater section - Principle of operation
The storage heater section of the CXLSN heater consists of a core of high
density heat storage bricks surrounded by a carefully designed insulating case.
During the night time off-peak period elements within the brick core heat up
the bricks to a temperature level determined by the setting you select using
the input control knob.
In the morning, when the core is at its hottest, the amount of heat being transmitted through
the insulation and emitted as radiant heat is at its greatest and the heater feels hot over most
of its upper outer surfaces.
Diagram 2.
As the day progresses, heat is transmitted from the heater to the room and the outer
surface of the heater becomes less hot and the amount of heat released in this way becomes
If the amount of emitted heat becomes insuffi cient the output of the heater and thus the
room temperature may be increased by means of the Output Control. This control operates
a damper fl ap within the heater which, when the output control knob is at minimum, covers
vertical airways which pass directly through the centre of the core of the heater. Even when
the outer surfaces of the heater are noticeably less hot, the core of bricks can still be at a
relatively high temperature. Opening the damper fl ap by moving the output control away
from minimum allows the room air to circulate through this hot core and release more heat
to the room by convection.
Diagram 3.
Setting the Controls
The control knobs have been positioned so that they are clearly visible
to an adult, but out of sight of young children. In this way it is hoped that
they will not provide temptation to a child to alter the settings.
Domestic Use
The right hand (INPUT) knob should be set at the midway position. If
after the fi rst charge period the room temperature is too high or too
low, the position of this knob should be moved to a lower or higher
position as appropriate. The most suitable position should be found by
experience, and the control may be left at this position without further
Normally the left hand (OUTPUT) knob may be left on minimum (fully
anticlockwise). This control may be moved to maximum in the evening
if additional heat is required at that time. Return to minimum before
Commercial Use
For normal commercial applications a setting of maximum on the
output control will ensure maximum output during working hours. The
input control should be set as described above for Domestic Use.
Should these settings not provide the comfort levels
required, the more detailed instructions overleaf should
be consulted.
Models CXLS12N, CXLS18N and CXLS24N
Your Dimplex CXLSN combined storage and convector heater enables you to take advantage of cheap off peak electricity to provide the
bulk of your heating requirements, with the added fl exibility of a built-in, thermostatically controlled convector heater. This allows you to
provide top-up heat, for example, in very cold weather when the storage heater may not have suffi cient stored heat in reserve later in the
day for providing full comfort conditions. These operating instructions assume that the correct size of storage heaters have been selected
to cater for the heating requirements of the room.