DL9120 / DL9130
Operating Instructions
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Std RCD /
RCD type
(not EV
Test current
Switches between Standard RCD and EV RCD mode (F1, DL9103EV
This switches the DL9103EV between the standard RCD auto test
sequence and the EV auto test sequence.
Standard Auto RCD Mode
Auto EV Mode (DL9130EV only)
AC/DC/Selective (F2, not available in EV mode)
Function key F2 is used to select the required RCD type: AC, DC sensitive
and pure DC combined with standard or selective RCD types. Each time
the F2 key is pressed, the next option is selected
RCD Type AC (Sinusoidal Waveform)
RCD Type AC Selective (Sinusoidal Waveform)
RCD Type A (Pulsating Waveform)
RCD Type A Selective (Pulsating Waveform)
RCD Type B (DC)
During selective tests, the DL9120 / DL9130EV will display a delay timer
which counts down from 30s to 0s. Pressing the Test key or turning the
rotary switch while the DL9130EV is counting will terminate the count.
Recall (F3)
The RCL (Recall) key is used to recall the results of the last automatic
RCD test performed by the DL9120 / DL9130EV. The LCD will update to
show all of the relevant parameters for the result displayed. Repeat press
the F3 key to cycle through the results.
Pressing any key while displaying a recalled measurement will return the
DL9120 / DL9130EV to the normal pre-test screen.
Rated residual operating current I