© 2022 Digitrax, Inc.
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pect "color", "flashing color" and then head DARK. DARK provides a choice
for "approach lighting".
6. Press the number keys to choose another head# to change.
In DCC Aspect
control mode the SE74 base Head1# is set as the
same number
as the Board base address used by the turnouts. Factory default
Head1 = 253, through to Head16 = 268.
7. Press the C soft key (Switch) to return the DT602 to system Switch control
for turnouts instead of Signal DCC Aspect control mode.
The nine default DCC Aspect commands define RED/YEL/GREEN or LU
NAR and their Flashing versions, as well as overall head DARK. The 'white'
LUNAR lamp is an
to the 3 lamp colors on the same head number.
If you want a Lunar lamp on the Head to display at the Head address
at the
same time
as one of the 3 color lamps, then configure the SE74 with OPSW41
=C to set the Lunar lamp setting
, independent of the color lamps.
Head 2048 sets an Aspect mode Broadcast to all heads of SE74's using DCC
Aspect control.
3.0 Setup SE74 Ez-Routes:
The SE74 has 8 internal Routes with up to 8 SW# and T/C direction Entries
each. These can be set up by a basic Ez-Routes method using the RTS button and
switch commands sent from a LocoNet throttle, connected PC or DCC track.
Press and hold the RTS button for about 3 seconds and the ID and OPSW
LEDs will blink alternately to show one Route can be set up. Release the
RTS button.
Select a switch address on your throttle between 1 and 8 and issue the
command direction for Closed. This will now be the
Route Number you are
going to setup. Any previous Entries in this Route will now be replaced in
following steps.
3. Select the desired TOP Switch address between 1 and 2000 and issue a C or
T direction command. This SW# and direction is that which will trigger this
Route to be executed when seen by this SE74
Now enter up to 7 more SW# and direction T or C for the other route Entries
required. The route entry ID/OPS LED will stop blinking indicating when
route is full/completed.
5. If you issue a SW# and direction twice consecutively that will also end route
entry for that Route Number.
6. If this SE74 does not have a LocoNet connection but operates from DCC
Track power on the TKA/B terminals, then it will ignore executing Route
Entries that do not fall within the SE74's Base address and next 4 outputs.
7. Best practice is to set TOP SW#'s in each route in a unique "phantom" switch
range e.g. 500 and above that do not control a physical switch. This will iden
tify the issued switch is specifically a TOP or Route-start SW#.
Ez-Routes do not have the ability to; read back , review or edit SE74 routes
already set up. For more powerful color graphics for comprehensive SE74
Route review and editing using a DT602 see section 6.2
The green RTS LED will be steady ON if there are any routes programmed.