Quick Start Guide for AIT5000 V2.00
TEL + 44 1179 554474 www.digitalyacht.co.uk
Make your device join this network and you will be asked to enter a password which is “
” where
is the same four-digit code as in your network name. You can change both the network name and password in
the AIT5000 unit’s web interface, which will be explained later in this manual.
The VHF LED will only illuminate when you press the Transmit button on the VHF handset. To make sure that the
’s internal splitter is working OK, make a VHF transmission and ensure that the VHF LED illuminates all
of the time that you are pressing the VHF Transmit button.
If you have fitted a Silent switch, then turn on the switch (closed) and ensure that the Blue Silent LED illuminates
and goes out when you turn off the switch (open).
Installation is now complete. The AIT5000 needs to be configured using the proAIS2 software
– see next section.
4. Configuration
The AIT5000 transponder must be correctly configured with the MMSI and static data for your vessel before operation. All
configuration information must be entered carefully as this information will be transmitted to other AIS equipped vessels
and shore stations.
In the United States of America, the MMSI and static data must only be entered by a competent installer.
The end user of the equipment is not authorised to enter their own vessel data. If you are a US resident
and intend to use your AIS class B transceiver in US waters, you should make sure that your retailer has
configured your product prior to supplying it to you. If your AIS transceiver has not been pre-configured,
please contact your dealer for details of how to have it configured.
The AIT5000 has a simple web interface that allows configuration of the MMSI and static data via any modern web
browser, without the need of any special app or software. This same web interface can be used to configure the Wi-Fi
network, set the data
protocol (TCP or UDP), remotely turn on/off the transponders “Silent Mode” and monitor the correct
operation of the transponder.
To access the web interface, connect to the AIT5000 wireless network, open a web browser (Safari, Chrome, Firefox,
Edge, etc.) and either enter the IP address of the AIT5000
…or if your device supports Bonjour/mDNS you can enter the following URL…
…which is useful if you have connected the AIT5000 to another wireless network and don’t know what IP address it has
been given.
You should now see the AIT5000 web interface, which is shown on the next page.
The page is in four sections…
4.1 Network Settings
By default, the AIT5000
unit is in “Access Point” mode, that means it creates its own password protected wireless network
and automatically provides network settings to any device that connects to it (via DHCP). You can change the default
network name and password, if required, and the wireless channel that the AIT5000 uses (Channel 1 by default).
If you already have a wireless network on the boat and you would prefer the AIT5000 to be part of this network, rather
than create another wireless network o
f its own, you can make it operate in “Station” mode. Select “Station” mode and
then select from the drop down list the network you would like to join and enter that network’s password.
Once you are happy that everything is correct, click the “Update Settings” button and the AIT5000 will store the new