Quick Start Guide for AIT5000 V2.00
TEL + 44 1179 554474 www.digitalyacht.co.uk
6. Troubleshooting
If the AIT5000 does not appear to be working correctly, use the web interface to check for problems:
1. Is the MMSI number programmed?
Check in the web interface if there is a red cross next to the "AIS Transceiver MMSI Valid" item then you have not
correctly configured the MMSI.
2. Does the unit have a GPS position fix?
Check in the web interface if there is a red cross next to the "GPS position fix" item then the unit does not have GPS
fix. Check your GPS antenna and connections.
3. Is the VSWR reading too high > 5?
Check in the web interface what the VSWR value is and if greater than 5, then you need to check the state of your
VHF antenna and its connections. Any poor connections, partial shorts, damage to the cable, corrosion can affect the
VSWR reading and the higher this Is, the less power Is being transmitted.
4. Is there a good supply voltage?
Check in the web interface if the DC supply is higher than 9.8v which is the level at which the AIT5000 will stop
transmitting. It needs a good 12v or 24v supply for correct operation and you will need to check the power
connections for excessive voltage drop.
5. Are you wirelessly connected to the AIT5000?
Many mobile devices will automatically switch to another wireless network that they recognise if it has an internet
connection. The AIT5000 being a wireless device, rather than a wireless router, does not have an internet connection
and sometimes this can cause your wireless smart phone or tablet to switch to another wireless network or revert to a
3G/4G connection.
6. Are there any other marine navigation apps open on your device?
Both iOS and Android operating systems allow multiple apps to be opened and when you switch to another app, the
apps that are in the background can still be connected to network resources, blocking another app from connecting. If
you have trouble receiving the wireless data on an app, close all other open apps including the app you are trying to
use and then open it again on its own and see of you can now receive data. If all else fails, turn off the wireless
device and then power it on again, which will reset all network connections and services.
7. Is there an external power connection?
When connected to a computer via USB, the AIT5000 can take enough power from the USB port to work as an AIS
receiver but not as a Class B+
transponder. Occasionally if a fault occurs in the boat’s wiring, a fuse blows or the
circuit breaker trips, then the AIT5000 will lose external power and only have the USB power. In these circumstances,
the AIT5000 will receive AIS targets but not transmit its own position and the Red and Yellow LEDs will be lit.
For more general information about AIS please Google
“Introduction to AIS White Paper” or
“Non-Idiots Guide to AIS” or “Is my AIS Transponder Transmitting” to find three useful AIS
articles that we have published.