12000 Ford Road, Suite 110
Dallas, TX 75234 Tel: 972-247-1203 Fax: 972-247-1291
No matter what is the current status, once choose "manual" ,it will have
snapshot at related channels.
No matter what is the current status, once choose "stop", it will stop snapshot at
related channels.
Set normal record period, it only startup Snapshot Storage at set period.
Three types: regular, detect and alarm
Record type
Three types: regular, detect and alarm
Regular: snapshot at set period
Detect: snapshot at set period when motion detect, video blind and video loss which are
preset for snapshot enable.
Alarm: snapshot at set period when alarm in which is preset for snapshot enable.
Note: for related alarm function, pls refer to chapter 4.3.
4.3 Alarm function
Alarm functions include: motion detect,video blind, video loss, alarm input and alarm output,
abnormal dealing.