A collection of related information treated by the computer as a single item.
Software instructions stored in a fixed form, usually in read-only memory (ROM).
In your system, the power-on self-tests and bootstrap program are firmware.
Formatted data
Data laid out in a particular pattern to conform to a predetermined structure.
The structure is dictated by the system software.
The physical components — mechanical and electrical — that make up a
computer system. Compare
The part of a fixed-disk drive, diskette drive, or tape drive that reads, records,
and erases data. Also called read/write head.
Input device
A piece of equipment used to transfer data into the computer. A keyboard is an
input device.
Input/Output (I/O) device
A piece of equipment that accepts data for transmission both to and from a
computer. A terminal is an input/output device.
Integrated Storage Element (ISE)
Integrated Storage Elements (ISEs) are intelligent storage devices that contain
their own controller and MSCP server.
A method of communicating with a computer system. The user enters a command
at the keyboard, the system executes the command, and then responds with a
message or prompts for another command.
A device or piece of software that lets different components of a computer
communicate with one another.