Power Supply Options
Power Supply Options
The system supports either one or two power supply modules.
The number of power supply modules that the system requires
depends on the number of internal storage devices installed.
Each power supply provides 415 Watts (W). You require two
power supplies to support SCSI configurations containing more
devices than the following maximum numbers:
Eight disk drives and one removable media device
Six disk drives and two removable media devices
Four disk drives and three removable media devices
Standby Power
The system supports an internal standby power supply (SPS)
that powers the system if it loses alternating current (ac) power.
The 460 W SPS consists of an internal controller module and 24
volt (V) battery. It provides power to the system for up to six
minutes, depending on the battery charge level.
You cannot install the internal SPS in a system with two power
supply modules. When the system contains two power supply
modules, you must use an external SPS, if required .
Contact your Digital sales representative for information on
ordering the power supply options and the SPS option.
The power supply modules support either 110 V or 220 V
but not both. You must specify the required voltage when
ordering a power supply module.
1–16 System Description