Digital Dream Standalone Motion Controller DDCS V3.1
DDCS V3.1 Users Manual
Page -60
Download the firmware upgrade file to your computer and prepare a totally empty USB key. Best
is to quickly reformat the USB key to MS-DOS FAT32 (right click on the USB key icon and choose
Format. Follow the prompts)
After downloading the firmware file check the file name, it may look like this or similar
install(2019-08-16-112)-zip . (example)
This is done to allow the download. Files called “.ZIP” are sometimes blocked.
Change the file name to
install(2019-08-16-112).zip (example)
Now your zip program can recognise the file as a compressed file and you can decompress it to the
USB key.Please note the upgraded file should be in the Root-directory in the USB Stick and the file
name must be “install”:
When upgrading, the entire configuration will be replaced. In most cases however you will want to
keep your personal Setting file
Check the content of the INSTALL folder and if you find a file called “setting” delete it.
Figure 3-70 Position of firware file