DG-BR4313NG User Manual
2-7-3-3 Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA)
When you select this mode, the wireless router will use WPA encryption, and the following
setup menu will be shown on your web browser:
Here is the description of every setup item:
WPA Unicast Cipher Suite Please select a type of WPA cipher suite. Available options
are: WPA (TKIP), WPA2 (AES) and WPA2 Mixed. You can
select one of them, but you have to make sure your wireless
client supports the cipher you selected.
Pre-shared Key Format
Select the type of pre-shared key, you can select Passphrase (8
or more alphanumerical characters, up to 63), or Hex (64
characters of 0-9, and a-f).
Pre-shared Key
Please input the WPA Pre-shared key here.