Arty Z7 Reference Manual
Transfer Multisort Elektronik /
Figure 16.2.2. Differential Analog Inputs.
The XADC core within the Zynq is a dual channel 12-bit analog-to-digital converter capable
of operating at 1 MSPS. Either channel can be driven by any of the analog inputs connected to
the shield pins. The XADC core is controlled and accessed from a user design via the
Dynamic Reconfiguration Port (DRP). The DRP also provides access to voltage monitors that
are present on each of the FPGA’s power rails, and a temperature sensor that is internal to the
FPGA. For more information on using the XADC core, refer to the Xilinx document titled “7
Series FPGAs and Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC XADC Dual 12-Bit 1 MSPS Analog-
to-Digital Converter”. It is also possible to access the XADC core directly using the PS, via
the “PS-XADC” interface. This interface is described in full in chapter 30 of the
Technical Reference manual