The weight or the quantity is coded in ASC II with decimal point. The carriage return
character is 0x0D (hexadecimal).
The sending of the stream is interrupted in the case that there is no significance. The excess
weight bit is set when there is excess weight (superior trace) or underweight (inferior traces)
or analogical digital converter exceeding (Error 5).
Note: For more details about configuring the serial port, check the general configurations
Printing Labels
The scale offers several label printing options. The serial port just needs to be
configured for such (see general configurations item). There are three printer models
compatible with the scales.
Epson LX300 / LX300+ Dot Matrix Printer – Adhesive Label Printing
Epson LX300 / LX300+ Dot Matrix Printer – Adhesive Label Printing
Bematech MP20MI Dot Matrix Printer – Ticket Printing
- Argox OS 214 Thermal Printer – Bar Code Label Printing
To verify with what printer model your scale is compatible, check the code that appears on
the display when it is turned on.
When the scale is turned on, the display will show the word `Digi-Tron´ and then the model
and version code will appear.
Codes starting with the letter E indicate label printing with the Epson LX300 / LX300+.
Press I to print.
The ticket will be printed as long as there is a
net weight greater than or equal to the
minimum weight to print (20 unit divisions)
on top of the platform. If the minimum is
not met, the display will blink, indicating
that there is a pending printing command.
If the minimum weight is met and the
platform is stable, the printing will go
(Hold for 2s)
Ticket totals may be printed at any time. To do this, hold the I
button for more than 2 seconds. It is not necessary to have any
weight on the scale platform nor have it stable.