3.13 RS 232 Serial Port
The scale has a RS232 serial communication port. It is used to connect the scale to a
computer or serial printer to print labels.
OBS: To use the serial port is necessary to install the radio frequency communication kit –
Communication with a computer- Terminal Mode
This option allows the scale to be connected to a PC so that with the use of
management software it is possible to control the weighing and print reports and
labels. The scale’s communication port has a configurable speed from 300 bps (bits
per second) to 19200 bps. The instrument leaves the factory set at 9600 bps. A
serial cable is required to connect the scale, the weight information is sent
The scale continuously transmits a fixed stream of 8 bytes. The data are 8 bits in
The stream for Modo Contadora (Counting Mode) is in the format in Figure 1.
0 primeiro byte - 0 first byte
Contadora - counter
Sobrecarga - excess weight
Quantidade negativa - negative quantity
Equilíbrio - equilibrium
Centro de zero - zero center
Modo tara - tare mode
Quantidade (byte + significativo) - quantity (byte + significative)
Quantidade (byte + signifacativo) - quantity (byte + significative)
Retorno de carro - carriage return
Status- status
Fim de frame- end of frame
Figure 1- Stream for Counter Mode
A stream for WEIGHING MODE has the format shown in Figure 2. This stream is also
appears in COUNTER MODE, when the L button is pressed to alternate between quantity
and weight.
Peso (byte + significado)- weight (byte + significative)
Figure 2- Stream for WEIGHING MODE
For example, a stream transmitted in Counter Mode is
visualized in Hyper Terminal as D00005.
For example, a stream transmitted in WEIGHING
MODE is visualized in Hyper Terminal as E1234.5.