Before starting a simple weighing, verify these items:
-The platform is empty
-There are no obstructions to the weighing platform
-The zero and kg indicators are lit
With these items in order, you may place the product to be weighed on the scale. Avoid
impacting the platform. When the cargo is on the scale and only the kg indicator is lit, it
means that the cargo is stable and the reading is accurate.
Weighing with tare
In this process you wish to weigh a product and subtract the weight of packaging, for
Gross weight: Weight of the packaging plus the material, that is, the total weight that
is on the scale.
Net weight: is the weight that is inside the packaging.
Tara: is the weight that will be subtracted. Ex: packaging
Weight Counter
The sensitivity of the scale counter is 1/10, that is, one tenth of the unit division value. For
example: a scale with a maximum cargo of 100kg with unit divisions of 0.01kg is capable of
counting pieces weighing 0.001kg and up.
To use the counter mode you need to configure the scale giving the weight and number of
Place the weight to be subtracted on the scale
and press the T button. The scale reads the tare.
The display will blink in the case that the
platform is oscillating or without any cargo.
The tare indicator will stay lit, indicating that the
scale is operating in tare mode.
To exit tare mode, press the T button again.
Note: The button is only accessible from the
moment that the minimum weight limit is
exceeded (20 units), which is indicated on the