Connection Options
Wireless WAN Connection
By using the built-in wireless WAN module (optional), you can connect your computer
to the Internet.
To make a wireless WAN connection, also use a Windows XP’s dial-up connection
Before use, you must apply for an access account, and get a SIM card and dialing
profile from your wireless WAN service provider. SIM card is an access permission
key of your account.
Before making a connection, you must create a connection component on the
wireless WAN module and on your dialing profile for the connection.
To create a wireless WAN dial-up connection component:
Enter into Network Connections panel.
Use “Create A New Connection” wizard to create a wireless WAN connection
component. When a component is created, an icon of the component will be
shown in the panel.
To make a wireless WAN connection:
Insert a SIM card to SIM card slot
Turn on the wireless WAN module (Use hot key Fn + F9 (see “Hot Keys”
section on page 18) or “WWAN” icon in Flybook Control Center (see “Flybook
Control Center” section on page 36) to turn on/off WAN module). When the
module is turned on, it will seek your operator’s network and register. If your
operator’s network is inaccessible, it will search for other available networks
and ask you to select one and register.
In Network Connections panel, double-click the icon of the component to start
Once the connection is established, you will find the “connected” icon in the panel.
Click the icon and open its status window to check, or stop the connection. You can
also open its connection properties window to configure this connection component.
The SIM card slot is push-insert and push-reject. When installing your
SIM card:
Make sure the gold finger side is put upside down.
Check whether the card is fully inserted.
Windows XP allows users with other wireless WAN connection utilities.
Dialogue Flybook V2/V3 Series User’s Guide