D i a l o g i c P C I L i n e c a r d s
1081-50821-00 Rev 01
October 2011
D/82JCT-U Linecard
Dialogic provides versions of the D/82 linecard to support both 3.3-volt and 5-volt PCI buses.
The 5-volt version is referred to as the D/82JCT-U. Because the 3.3-volt version is also
compatible with 5-volt buses, Dialogic refers to it as the D/82JCT-U-PCI-UNIV linecard. In this
document the abbreviated term, D/82JCT-UNIV refers to the same linecard.
Table 3 lists the technical specifications for the Dialogic D/82JCT-U PCI linecard approved for
OneBox. Figure 5 shows the general layout of these linecards.
Table 3: D/82JCT-U linecard Technical Specifications
Number of ports
Total ports/system
Maximum boards/system
8 ports per linecard
8 linecards
Canada: IC: 885 10638 A
Analog network interface
On-board loop start interface circuits
Voice coding
PCM (supports OKIADPCM, G.711 µ-law, G.711 A-law, PCM
and GSM codecs)
Host interface bus
Standard PCI, 5-volt slots only (D/82JCT-U)
Standard PCI, 3.3-volt or 5-volt slots (D/82JCT-UNIV)
Figure 5: Layout of the D/82CT-U PCI linecard
PCI Connector
H.100 Bus Connector
Slot Retainer Bracket
Board ID Display
36-pin Connector
Rear Bracket