Document No.
9100-127-1109-99 Rev A
Release Date: Sept 11, 2007
Dialight Corporation 1501 Route 34 South Farmingdale NJ 07727
Tel: 732.919.3119 Fax:732.751.5778 Web:
Sheet 11 of 14
Maintenance and Troubleshooting
No regular scheduled maintenance is required for the light.
Remove power from all wiring and circuitry before installing or working on the
Each driver module has a red indicator light to indicate more than 50VDC present
on its output. In addition, the capacitor board has red indicator lights (one for
each of the large energy storage capacitors) to show the capacitor is charged to
at least 50V.
For safety, when the Power supply cabinet door is opened, an interlock switch
disconnects power from all the driver modules. If the unit has just been running, a
number of driver module indicators lights will be lit. These should go out within
about 30 seconds to indicate voltages on capacitors have been discharged to
less than 50V.
Table 1 Lists possible faults and repair procedures for the light