Document No: 9100-127-1958-99 Rev F
1501 Route 34 South, Farmingdale, NJ 07727 Tel: (732)
919-3119 Fax: (732) 751-5778 www.dialight.com
LCD Start up Display Screens:
Once power is turned on the next 2 screens will be displayed automatically.
The Startup Screen displays:
Dialight MI Ctrl
REV. x Build: xx
Site manager and
Installer should take a note of this screen including the
REV number and the Build number if any future troubleshooting is required. x’s indicate
revision levels and will appear as numbers on the display.
The Initializing Screen:
This screen shows a countdown for the initial 15 flashes for E and D type structures For
A red only systems the countdown starts at 45.
In some cases this screen will go back to the Startup screen if synchronization
was faulty.
Initial 15 Flashes In