Document No: 9100-127-1958-99 Rev F
1501 Route 34 South, Farmingdale, NJ 07727 Tel: (732)
919-3119 Fax: (732) 751-5778 www.dialight.com
Mains AC Power Resetting:
Power on Resetting (i.e. switching power off then on again) is required when any rotary
knobs are changed, toggle switches (DIP switches on the Micro/Filter assembly) are
changed or communications (RS485) have been disconnected.
Push Button Reset:
The Reset Button is a firmware re-boot that causes the Main Controller Board to do a
re-start. This reset is most often used when power is either lost or required to be shut
down for a period of time. This reset will go through the full warm up and the initial 15
flash countdown menu.
It will re-establish RS485 communications with other power supplies connected to the
main controller.
Ext Sync Input: (Optional) Factory supplied
This connection will synchronize the System with a 3
party GPS module. The contact
looks for a pulsed signal with a period of 1,500 milliseconds, where the leading edge to
falling edge of the pulse is greater than 100 milliseconds. This will trigger forty flashes
per minute synchronized with the other system’s output.
Serial Numbers:
The serial numbers of the fixtures being installed are located on the Dialight label.
Dialight refers to the serial numbers as
Date Codes.
The Date Codes are set up as
The following YY,DDD, S/N.
YY= the year it was produced
DDD= Julian day of the year
S/N= a number of either 3 or 4 digits.