4.2 Specifications
Dimensions (L x W x H):
Standing - 540 x 880 x 1274mm
Lying - 1322 x 880 x 277mm
Seat - 7.2kg
Legs + backrest - 5.2kg
Total - 12.4kg
Lifting Capacity:
Max. 150kg/330lbs
Lifting Time:
1-4 minutes
Working Temperature:
+5°C to +40°C
Expected Service Life:
Min. 5 years/1000 lifts at max. load
Seat - polycarbonate and ABS
Backrests - polycarbonate and ABS
Legs - aluminium
5. Prior to Use
IMPORTANT: Never use the Raizer to lift a person if you suspect that the person has been hurt in a way that the lift may deteriorate
the person’s well-being. Always check that the Raizer has no defects before using it.
ALWAYS make sure to place the lifting chair in a horizontal position leaving it ready for the next lift.
A hygiene cover or a form of textile must be applied to the seat if the person to be lifted is NOT wearing clothes on areas in direct
contact with the Raizer.
If the product is in any way visibly defective, do not use it. It cannot be considered safe to use or live up to normal usage standard,
including quality, condition, and durability. This means that Liftup cannot be held responsible for any improper usage or for what
may be a consequence of the inappropriate application of the product.
6. Functionality
The Raizer is a mobile lifting chair which raises a fallen person up to an almost standing position in a few minutes. It can be operated by a
single helper.
To operate the lifting chair, the Raizer must be assembled around the fallen person. It can then be operated using the crank handle. The
fallen person can be raised to a sitting or almost standing position ready for relocation.
The crank handle can operate from both sides of the Raizer. Follow the direction of the arrow to lift a person.
Turn the handle in the opposite direction when driving down the Raizer to store it away.
7. Assembly & Operation
In addition to this user manual, enclosed with your Raizer, you will find a quick guide with easy-to-read
7.1 Positioning the Seat
The fallen person must be lying on her/his back. You may place a pillow under the person’s head for
better comfort.
Place the seat on the floor next to the lying person.
Lift the thighs to an angle.