VW MiniLogger, 2018/8/24
Set Schedule
Click on the “Set Schedule”
button to choose the start
mode and reading interval.
Then click OK.
Start Logging At:
You can
choose to have the
MiniLogger start when bat-
teries are inserted or you
can choose a specific time
to start.
If you choose “On power up,” the MiniLogger uses the moment
that you insert the batteries as the base time for subsequent
If you choose “At” and enter a time and date, the MiniLogger
will use the time and date as the base time for subsequent read-
The default start time is always 2 minutes in the future accord-
ing to the MiniLogger’s clock. Edit this as needed, but be sure to
specify a start time that is in the future.
Log Every:
The reading interval controls how often readings are
taken. For example, if you enter a 1 in the Hours field, the
MiniLogger will take one reading every hour, with the first read-
ing taken according to the Start Time setting. The shortest valid
interval is 2 seconds. The longest is 7 days.
Turn Power On:
You must select a delay for turning on the
power; real time data recording begins imediately once power
has been turned on (you can also delay the reading for a time
after turning power on if you prefer).