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8000-INS-UMENG Rev. 4
15.22 Saving B-Scan Videos as AVI Files
The Scanmate software can convert saved B-Scan videos to AVI files so that they can be
used outside of the Scanmate program.
To create an AVI file, first load a B-Scan video from the Scanmate database and select
B-Scan Video (AVI).
AVI files cannot be imported back into the Scanmate program. See Section 19
and 19.1 for other import / export options.
15.23 Creating Reports
Click the
button to quickly create a B-scan report. The report will
include the patient information, doctor, operator, and date. A window with
all the saved images and videos for the current patient will open. Use the
checkboxes in the bottom right corner of each image to include them in the
report. The selected images will be shown inserted in a report preview window. Clicking
Add Comments
button in the report preview will open a comment box for text
entry. Reports can be sent to a printer, saved in the database, or saved as PDF files. For
more information on creating reports, see Section 17 “Creating Reports”.
Reports that had been saved to the database will be displayed in the window with patient
scans. PDF versions of reports can be exported by left-clicking and dragging them to the
desired location. Refer to Section 17.4 for more information.