Flight manual DG-1000S
Issued: March 2002
Ballast box in the fin
A box for ballast (trim-weights) is installed in the fin. It can be used to
compensate the mass of the rear pilot and as a trim-possibility for heavy pilots.
Max. ballast capacity: 12 kg.
Filling see section 4.2.4, determination of the permissible amount of ballast see
section 6.8.7.
Indication of the amount of ballast inserted is via a control light in the front
instrument panel see section 4.2.4 and section 7.3 item 23).
Electrical system
Battery in the fin.
For C.G. reasons the battery is installed in the fin. Only the use of the factory
supplied battery Z110 (12 V, min. 12 Ah, mass 5.5 kg, 12 lbs.) is permitted.
The battery fuse is installed at the battery, type: G fuse 250 V with indicator 5 x
25 medium slow / 4 A.
After inserting the connector plug in the fin the battery is connected to the
electrical system of the glider. If you want to charge the battery inside the glider
this can be done via the socket see section 7.3 item 20).
Use only automatic chargers designed to charge sealed lead acid
batteries. To charge the battery to its full capacity a charger with 14.4 V max.
charging voltage is necessary (normal automatic chargers charge only up to
13.8V). Such a charger is available from DG Flugzeugbau code no. Z 08.
For periodical recharging the “power independent “ unit is suitable. This unit is
also available from DG Flugzeugbau.
All current - carrying wiring confirms to aeronautical specifications.
Flight manual DG-1000S
Issued: March 2002
Pitot and static system
see diagram 8 M.M.
Pitot probe in fuselage nose, static ports a short distance behind fuselage nose.
The airspeed indicator and the altimeter are to be connected to these ports and
probe. Additional holder for a TE-probe or a Multiprobe in the fin is to operate
variometer and flight computer systems. To preserve the sealings inside the
holder, the end of the probe should be greased with e.g. Vaseline from time to
the canopies in flight see section 3.2.
a canopy the red canopy emergency release handle (right) and the
white-red canopy opening handle (left) have to be operated simultaneously.
Detach the retaining cable. Lift the canopy upwards.
Reinstalling a canopy.
Open emergency release and canopy locking levers. Place the canopy in vertical
direction onto the fuselage. Close the emergency release. Open the canopy and
snap in the retaining cable.
Miscellaneous equipment (Options)
Removable ballast
for under weight pilots
The ballast boxes (Option) at the right and left hand side of the instrument
console underneath the carpets can accommodate 2 ballast weights of min 2.4 kg
(5.3 lbs.) each. Each weight compensates a pilot mass of 3.2 kg (7 lbs.). So a
max. of 12.8 kg (28 lbs.) missing pilot mass can be compensated.
The ballast weights are to be fixed in the box with a M 8 knurled nut.
The ballast weights used for the ballast box in the fin may be used for
these ballast boxes too.