Flight manual DG-1000S
Issued: March 2002
LBA app.
Mass (weight)
Category A „Aerobatic“
Maximum take off weight:
630 kg
1389 lbs.
Maximum landing weight:
630 kg
1389 lbs.
Category „Utility“, retractable main wheel:
with waterballast:
Maximum take off weight:
750 kg
1653 lbs.
Maximum landing weight:
750 kg
1653 lbs.
without waterballast: Maximum take-off and landing mass = W
+ W
= Maximum mass of the non lifting parts (see below)
= actual mass of the wings
Maximum weight of the non lifting parts = 469 kg
1034 lbs.
Category „Utility“, fixed main wheel:
Maximum take off weight:
630 kg
1389 lbs.
Maximum landing weight:
630 kg
1389 lbs.
It is recommended to dump the waterballast before landing on
airfields. Dump the ballast before an outlanding in any case.
Maximum mass in baggage compartment:
15 kg 33 lbs.
Heavy pieces of baggage must be secured to the baggage
compartment floor (screwing to the floor or with belts). The max. mass secured
on one half of the floor (left and right of fuselage centre line) should not exceed
7,5kg (16.5 lbs.).
1. Maximum waterballast
in the wings:
160 kg
353 lbs.
in the fin
6,2 kg
13.7 lbs.
2. Maximum mass in the trim-ballast box in the fin: 12 kg
26.5 lbs.
The max. take off mass is not to be exceeded with 1. and 2. together.
Follow the loading procedures see section 6.
Flight manual DG-1000S
Issued: March 2002
LBA app.
Centre of gravity
Centre of gravity range in flight is
190mm (7.48 inch) up to 440mm (17.32 inch) behind datum.
= wing leading edge at the rootrib.
reference line
= aft fuselage centre line horizontal.
C.G. diagrams and loading chart see sect. 6.
Approved manoeuvres
Category „Utility“:
The glider is certified for normal gliding in the "Utility" category.
Simple aerobatics are approved but only without waterballast and with the
weight of the rear pilot compensated by ballast in the ballast box in the fin see
section 6.8.7.
The following aerobatic manoeuvres are approved with all spans:
Inside loop
Lazy Eight
Recommended entry speeds see section
Category „Aerobatic“
Span 18 m without waterballast, max. mass 630 kg (1389 lbs.) and with the
required equipment see section 2.10 installed and with the weight of the rear
pilot compensated by ballast in the ballast box in the fin see section 6.8.7.
In addition to the manoeuvres in category „Utility“ the following manoeuvres
are approved:
Inverted flight
half flick roll from normal to inverted flight with
half loop
half loop and half roll
half flick roll from inverted to normal flight
half roll and half loop
slow roll
Recommended entry speeds see section