English <<
- 32 -
There are five submenus in the setup.Se�ng includes system param, run param, protect
param, comm
param. All of these informa�on for maintenance reference.
System Param includes �me set, language set, display set and factory reset.
Pic 8.17 Submenus of the parameter setup
8.2.5 Parameter se�ng
8.3 System param se�ng
Pic 8.18 System Param
Pic 8.19 Time
Setup <<
System Param <<
Run Param
Protect Param
Comm. Param <<
20200522 OK
08:11:21 Cancel
Time Set <<
Language Set
Display Set
Factory Reset <<
Pic 8.20 Language
Bright Keep <<
Delay time 055
Delay time 055
OK << Cancel
Confirm Reset <<
Pic 8.21 LCD Screen se�ngs
Pic 8.22 Delay �me set
Pic 8.23 Reset to factory se�ng