Image 54: RT controller module settings
5.1.1. XCP output settings
To enable the XCP output the “Enable XCP output” check-box needs to be ticked, otherwise no data will
be transmitted.
With the current version of XCP slave only the TCP/IP transport layer is supported, so therefore only this
option can be chosen from the drop-down list.
Re-check that the IP address is static and that matches the IP address of the connected RT device.
Under the port setting you can set on which port the XCP slave will open the connection. The default
setting is 5555.
5.1.2. XCP Event settings
The XCP Event settings will be recalculated from the chosen dynamic acquisition rate, that is set in the
Analog In tab.. Time unit is defined as time between two samples. The Time Cycle is a divider that is
needed to reach the actual time unit.
When 100kHz SR is chosen, the time unit is 10us and the Time Cycle is 1. When we increase the
SR to 200kHz, the Time unit is 1us and the Time Cycle is therefore 5.
When a Time cycle is not a rounded number, the XCP module will give you a warning.
SIRIUSi-XHS® - V21-2