The Devine Centro 2i2o doesn’t solely consist of hardware, it also requires the necessary
Most end users will use this interface as an external sound card for their computer or
laptop. In most cases, the included firmware, which doubles as audio management
software, will set the device as the default sound card after installation.
If you do not connect the Centro 2i2o, your computer or laptop will automatically default
back to the internal sound card.
The Centro software is immediately activated after installation and will be launched after
your computer or laptop has booted up, so you can record and playback instantly.
Playback using third-party software
When the Centro 2i2o is set as the default media player, it will work seamlessly with other
third-party multimedia software.
Within professional software environments such as DAWs (Digital Audio Workstation),
more work may required to get optimal results. More often than not, the DAW’s audio
settings need to be adjusted. The main output should be assigned to the outputs of the
audio interface.
DAWs usually offer the possibility to set a custom sample rate, even though this usually
comes pre-set.
The sample and bit rates largely determine the maximum sound quality the audio interface
is able to process but bear in mind, optimal sound quality also requires a high performance
laptop or computer.
The 16-bit, 44.1 kHz sample rate resolution offers a solid balance and is equivalent to CD
quality sound.
This audio interface also offers the possibility to adjust latency. Latency refers to usually
slight delay between the audio signal input and the transfer of that signal to the DAW. This
concerns all devices that convert analogue audio signals to digital ones or vice versa.
Humans are practically unable to notice latency below 20 ms.
The informaton shown in this user manual is subject to change without further notice.
Date of creation and author's initials:
24-10-2019 RV
Date of revision and author's initials: -