Deutschmann Automation GmbH & Co. KG
UNIGATE Fieldbus Gateway UNIGATE CL - Powerlink V. 1.8
10 FTP-Server
This UNIGATE features an integrated FTP-Server, that can be accessed with the file system.
The FTP-Server is password protected and can be addressed via the user name "deutschmann“
and the password “deutschmann“.
The following files that are located there on this file system MUST NOT be deleted or changed in
no case since they are mandatory for the system:
- project.hex
- ftp_accounts.txt
- script.sys
The remaining files belong to the WEB-Server. Further information can be found in the
corresponding chapter "WEB-Server".
10.1 Script-update via FTP
The dcs-file generated by the Protocol Developer has to be stored as "script.dcs" by the FTP on
the Gateway (subdirectory "flash"). When the Gateway starts up, it identifies, converts and inte-
grates this file into the file "script.sys", where the Script is usually filed and then deletes the file
10.2 System configuration update via FTP
A WINGATE gwc-file has to be stored on the Gateway (subdirectory "flash") as "SYSTEM.GWC"
via FTP. When the Gateway is startet, it identifies this file, transfers the new configuration and
then deletes the file "SYSTEM.GWC".