Gas Supply Installation Instructions
Improperly connected gas lines may result in serious injury and death,
explosion, poisonous fumes, toxic gases, or asphyxiation. Connect gas lines
in accordance to national, state, provincial, and local codes.
Gas pressure to the appliance controls must never exceed 1/2 PSI (14” W.C.). Damage to the controls
may result.
Gas lines should be purged of air as described in ANSI Z223.1 (NFPA 54) or CSA-B149.1– latest
edition. Installation of the piping must also conform with the local building codes, or in the absence
of local codes, with the latest edition of the National Fuel Gas Code (NFPA 54). In Canada,
installation must be in accordance with CSA-B149.1
Gas Supply Installation Instructions
The gas supply to the tube heater must be connected and tested in accordance with national, state,
provincial, and local codes along with guidelines in this manual. In the United States refer to the latest
edition of the ANSI Z223.1 (NFPA 54) Standard and in Canada refer to the latest edition of the CAN/
CGA B149.1 Standard.
Supply gas piping to the unit should conform with the local and national requirements for type and
volume of gas handled, and pressure drop allowed in the line. Avoid pipe sizes smaller than 1/2”.
The installation must conform with local building codes or, in the absence of such codes, the National Fuel
Code (NFPA 54) and in conjunction with ANSI Z21.24/CSA 6.10 “Connectors for Gas Appliances”.
4 in. 20 ft.
4 in.(single)/6 in.(dual) 20 ft.
5 in. 30 ft.
4 in.(single)/8 in.(dual) 30 ft.
6 in. 40 ft.
Consult factory for longer intake lengths.
Air Intake Duct Size Max. Intake Length
Duct Size
Max. Intake Length
• No more than two (2) 90° degree elbows are allowed.
• Allow for expansion. Use a 4 in. flexible hose to connect the duct to the burner control box.
• In humid environments, use insulated duct, PVC pipe or DWV (drain waste vent) to prevent
condensation on the outer surface.
• Do not draw air from attic space.
• A factory approved wall intake cap (P/N: WIV-4) must be used with horizontal outside intake
ducts. The wall intake cap (P/N: WIV-4) must be installed to prevent blockage. Locate the intake
where dirt, steam, snow, etc. will not contaminate or clog the intake screen.
• Separate air intake duct from vent pipe a minimum of 4 ft. Also, place vent pipe higher than
adjacent air intake duct.
Chart 3.4
Limitations for Length and Size of Combustion Air Intake Duct
Single Heater Intake Dual Heater Intake