operating with the 6500 Series Control Head self-center with a spring driven indexing pin
and hydraulically shock to the home position to prevent damage or injury.
Manual both ways:
with an out of service lockout bar which would allow the end user to lock the turnstile with a
standard pad lock.
Manual one way:
Turnstile rotates in one direction but not the other. This is often used for
egress only areas.
Electronic one way with free exit:
Unit rotates freely in one direction but requires some
form of access control in the other. This is a typical installation in many facilities that want
Electronic one way with no exit:
Turnstile is locked in both directions at all times, but in one
direction can be unlocked with access control. Typically, this would be installed in scenarios
where there is an alternate means of exiting the facility.
Electronic two way:
Turnstile requires access control for both entering and exiting a facility.
Fail lock:
Upon power failure, an electronically controlled direction would remain locked.
methods of exiting are available. Unless equipped with key overrides, this is can be easily
converted to fail open by ordering alternate parts. This is also known as fail secure.
Fail open:
Upon power failure, an electronically controlled direction would remain open.
normal situations but in power outages it free wheels. Unless equipped with key overrides,
this can be easily converted to fail lock by ordering alternate parts. This is also known as fail
Key override:
This option is available on either electronic or manual two way models. It
The key override option is not intended for constant every day use. Should you require an
additional lock-down feature on your turnstile, a better option (on a full height turnstile) is
an out of service lockout with a standard pad lock. Note that the key override option makes
available for some turnstile or gate models.
Designed Security, Inc - 1402 Hawthorne Street, Bastrop Texas 78602 - (800) 272-3555